Cinnamon is divided into 2 Categories. Ceylon Cinnamon and Cassia Cinnamon. There many varieties of Ceylon Cinnamon and many varieties of Cassia Cinnamon. However for commercial use there is only one variety of Ceylon Cinnamon that is used and three varieties of Cassia Cinnamon. All the other varieties are what is called wild Cinnamon, unsuitable for human consumption because the quality in not good.
Also known as Ceylon Cinnamon, True Cinnamon, Mexican Cinnamon
Scientific Names
Cinnamomum Verum, Cinnamom Zeylanicum
Country of Origin
Sri Lanka (90%), India, Madagascar, Brazil
Multiple layers of very thin slivers of Cinnamon bark rolled into a cigar like stick between 3 - 6 inches long
Light to medium brown
Subtle taste with hints of sweetness
Mild aroma but a sophisticated fragrance when boiled or cooked
Ultra Low Coumarin levels, subtle, fragrance, the essential oils derived from Ceylon Cinnamon is of significantly better quality. Great flavor enhancer in cooking without tasting like Cinnamon.
Expensive, does not have an overt Cinnamon smell or strong taste like Cassia Cinnamon for those prefer that.
Also known as Korintje Cinnamon, Padang Cassia, Indonesian cinnamon. This is Cassia type Cinnamon.
Scientific Names
Cinnamomum Burmanni
Country of Origin
Indonesia supplies about 70% of the World's output.
A single layer of thick Cinnamon bark natural curled into in hollow stick like shape cut into 3 inch pieces usually.
Dark reddish brown
Strong spicy taste
Strong aroma immediately after opening a can of cinnamon
Inexpensive easily available in most stores, strong cinnamon smell, hard and great for decorating during Christmas. Oils derived from this Cinnamon is of poor quality.
High Coumarin levels that cause liver damage, hard to break into small pieces especially if you want to grind into dishes like Mole. Poor essential oil quality derived from this Cinnamon.
Also known as Saigon cinnamon, Vietnamese Cassia, Vietnamese Cinnamon. This is Cassia type Cinnamon.
Scientific Names
Cinnamomum Loureiroi
Country of Origin
A single layer of thick Cinnamon bark natural curled into in hollow stick like shape cut into 3 inch pieces usually.
Dark reddish brown
The taste is bold, spicy and sweet. Very high essential oil content. Not as expensive as Ceylon Cinnamon.
Strong and bold cinnamon smell.
Ultra Low Coumarin levels, subtle, fragrant, the essential oils derived from Ceylon Cinnamon is significantly better quality, not spicy or harsh
Very high Coumarin levels that can cause liver damage, hard to break into small pieces especially if you want to grind into dishes like Mole, fairly expensive. Good Oil levels but poor chemical signature for fragrance.
Also known as Chinese Cinnamon or just plain Cassia Cinnamon. This is Cassia type Cinnamon.
Scientific Names
Cinnamomum Aromaticum
Country of Origin
A single layer of thick Cinnamon bark natural curled into in hollow stick like shape cut into 3 inch pieces usually.
Dark reddish brown
Mild and slightly Sweet
Mild aroma but spot-checked fragrant when boiled or cooked
Very inexpensive, readily available in Asia but not so much in the US or Europe.
High Coumarin levels that cause liver damage, hard to break into small pieces, a little pungent. Very poor oil quality and unsuitable for extracting essential oils.